2008年9月17日 星期三

Things to do First

Things to do First' T) s. P( C" p1 y; s
' |4 S' O1 z9 s R9 S: O
Below is a list of 7 important things that you should do as soon as possible after arriving in Australia., y, H: p: u0 c

" S9 y' ?/ Z p2 E! L; o! ` Y/ n8 r1. Apply for a Tax File Number (TFN)
5 |8 m$ m+ t7 ~Do this first. To receive an income in Australia, you need a Tax File Number (TFN). x* j7 d2 c1 X
. H/ b0 Z' H7 }. M6 u, ^. Z
2. Register with Medicare . O$ F J1 R8 D9 O2 z* C
The Australian Government provides help with basic medical expenses through a scheme called Medicare.
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3. Open a bank account . C ~2 v3 c' L Z
In Australia, most income including salary or wages and government benefits are paid directly into a bank account.
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4. Register with Centrelink / d6 `" D3 z% T4 g1 B
Centrelink is a government agency which delivers a range of services to the community.- F6 \7 Z$ p7 L5 s6 M

, j/ y" A- J$ N+ g$ j1 c5. Register for English Classes % {# S8 h* g# P
Communicating in English is very important and the key to your successful settlement.' Y Q* `, ^2 ]/ i. t* H9 b
" d" _ y) \% T I* B$ ~7 ~ A6 A0 s
6. Enrol Your Children in School 9 f# ~/ _5 [. @: Y, M, @
Under Australian law, children must attend school until they are 15 years old.
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7. Apply for a Driver's Licence
; y0 q q* k+ q) \ TInformation on gaining a driver's licence.
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Beginning a life in Australia Booklets
5 w/ \/ |, ]% i0 T9 t# VThe Beginning a life in Australia booklets welcome newly-arrived migrants to Australia. Information is provided on the types of settlement services available and advice on where to go to for assistance. This information is available in English and is translated into 24 community languages for each state and territory.9 ]$ M9 a- s4 V7 V8 V- W
